The funds generated through our centenary 0ne Hundred Auction is an amazing ….
The Centenary Committee once again would like to thank the overwhelming generosity of our OHA Community. This outstanding result would not have been possible if it wasn’t for the kind donations of items, vouchers and experiences from an extensive array of businesses and personal donors.
99 prizes gone….1 still available to drive way! That’s right although the Suzuki Swift didn’t find a home at the auction, JMC has extended this offer until the end of the hockey season. This means you can still make a bid on this brand-new car now up until Grand Final Day (September 7) by simply clicking HERE.
The funds generated from the auction will go towards our Centenary Gala Dinner on October 12th, 2019 to ensure we can engage and include as many current and past players; Juniors and seniors, life members, associates and OHA friends to help celebrate 100 years of moments and memories of the OHA Hockey Club.
Tickets on sale August, 2019