Georgina Wall, one of our talented young OHA players who has been starring on the field for 2nd Grade and 1st Grade women, left the state last Sunday, 29 July to further her university studies at Millersville University in Pennsylvania, under a hockey and academic scholarship. She was currently half way through a degree here at UTAS, in Social Studies majoring in Criminology and Forensic Science.

Although extremely excited about this new opportunity, Georgina will definitely miss OHA.

Georgina’s family really appreciate the opportunities and encouragement that have been provided to Georgina since she joined the OHA Hockey Club in 2012. In particular, the personal interest shown by all the coaches and other OHA members in Georgina’s development and encouragement given to her at a higher age and representation level.

We wish Georgina all the very best for her University studies and we’re sure ‘G-Wall’ will take any opportunity to play again for OHA either whilst on a break over here or if she eventually returns.



You are invited to a free presentation in Hobart on 23 August about the NCAA scholarship process and how coaches, administrators, educators and parents can give kids the best opportunity to secure a place at a United States college.

Quite often we see junior talent operating under the belief that all they have to do is be really good at their chosen sport, provide some game film to a US college and then get a scholarship.  The reality however is that the process is far more complex and spans the entire four years from year 9 all the way through to year 12.

This presentation will hopefully go some way to bringing greater awareness to the NCAA governance of the scholarship process so that anyone involved with high-performing young athletes can feel comfortable that they are passing on the right information if pressed about the possibility of transitioning to the United States college system.

Attached is a flyer outlining the focus of the presentation. We would love to see you and any interested parties from your club come along.  This is an open event so feel free to pass on the invitation to any colleagues, parents or young athletes that you think might also be interested.  The session is free and all I would ask is that any attendees RSVP prior to 17 August.  You can also find information about this presentation on the “events” tab of our website.

There is also a Facebook event for those who prefer that over the traditional RSVP.

I look forward to hearing back from you in due course.

Pat Merrick

Program Director | Student Athlete Placement Services Australia | +61 437234125




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