Dear Members

The committee met on Monday night for its monthly meeting. In that meeting we discussed the 2018 subscriptions. We take the consideration of the club subscriptions seriously and have always had some of the lowest of any club due to the hard work of the committee.

Due to the increasing number of junior players in our club playing across more than one grade, the need to ensure that subscriptions cover the costs Hockey Tasmania impose on us was addressed.

The committee moved the following motion;
• that in 2018, juniors will, as they always have, pay subs for the grade they are age eligible for and,
• If they choose to play full time in an additional junior grade they will pay a $50.00 levy toward Hockey Tasmania’s fees for that second team and,
• If a junior player chooses to play full time in a senior team, they will pay a senior team levy of $100.00 toward the Hockey Tasmania’s fees for that senior team.

Whilst we do not like to increase our fees, we have a clear need now to ensure the ongoing financial success of the club. The committee is made up of a well-represented sample of members from many grades, parents with junior players and senior representatives. We do not take this decision lightly, but we feel a small increase is necessary to ensure ongoing success both on and off the field.


David McCambridge
OHA Hockey Club Inc.
M | 0409 230 917 E |






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